Our partners from Portugal and Romania participated in the first face-to-face meeting of the OECD project “Fostering and assessing students’ creative and critical thinking skills in teacher education”, held in Paris on the 6th and 7th of September 2018. Launched by the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, the project aims at building an international community of practice around teaching, learning and assessing creativity and critical thinking in higher education. It also aims at promoting quality Critical Thinking and Creativity teaching/learning practices
The meeting had the objective to clarify and share ideas on the project to the delegations gathered from all over the world and to assess their commitment to be full part of the project. Caroline Dominguez, as the Coordinator of the CRITHINKEDU project, shared her reflections to the participants with a presentation entitled “Lessons learnt from the CRITHINKEDU project“. Daniela Dumitru made a presentation entitled “Critical thinking and teaching critical thinking” on the theoretical foundation of the project.